
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Are some cities better than others for singles?

A sewer drain in Brussels! A work of art! 2012
Almost five days in Paris, and this Princess has been asked to go dancing, share a Bordeaux, sip a café on a terrace and never mind random smiles, flirty exchanges, and savored compliments by the locals.

Which brings me to my questions. Is it easier being single in some cities over others? Could the streets in Paris offer more opportunities to flirt, receive delightful smiles, or witness chivalrous gestures by members of the opposite sex? Why are these opportunities less present back home?

It seems in Montreal, my single friends and I in our forties rely on online dating, meets ups or special singles activities like Cook and Dates or Speed Dating.
Could the European culture and mindset be all that different from the North American one? Are we wired differently?

Perhaps, the vacation mindset of a single traveler is different than when he/she is back home, with the weight of the world on each shoulder.

I know my vibe is different when I embark on a solo journey. I become footloose and fancy free. I feel more confident, and extroverted than my usual self. I happily wear lipstick every morning, as I have the time to doll up and not tend to other members of my family.

But then I wonder. Should I be dolling up for morning carpool and running errands? Will I have a flirty exchange with a gentleman in aisle four at the local grocery store?

While roaming a cobblestone road this morning at 8am, no less, a handsomely suited gentleman (minus his Marlboro would have been nicer), who was about to step in to an office building, stops me to say "you have a beautiful smile", to which I respond "was I smiling?" The gentleman follows up in French with "Oui et vos yeux pétillent" ( Yes and your eyes sparkle).

So, how does one bottle that footloose and fancy free aura and bring some back to one's hometown?

Being single for the last little while and having been blessed with amazing travels, I have always had the pleasure of meeting interesting people from around the world. As for members of the opposite sex, I have met some interesting individuals where we have shared a meal, a drink, a walk/hike, or toured the city discovering hidden gems. The cultural differences make for an interesting dynamic; their accents always hit high on the sexy meter; the topics of conversation are original and varied, as opposed to "first date banter" back home. A tiny reference to dress code: European men rule when it comes to clothing, I think back to my travels to Italy, Scandinavia, France and Belgium, these men make it easy to ogle. I will admit to being shallow at times! Sue me.

To being flirty, footloose and fancy free in Montreal! Should I be contemplating moving to Europe, once my sons are all grown up?
Food for thought, that is for sure!

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