
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can we talk about Dr. LAURA? Please?

I heard it on the news today that "famous Dr. Laura" will be quitting talk radio...
Not soon enough if you ask me.

Apparently, she was caught last week using the N word with some black,female caller who is married to a white man. She called in because she was annoyed that every time a friend or family member came over, she would have to hear comments like do black folks do that etc...It bugged her.

Dr. Laura responded with those comments are not racist. In fact, she said that her bodyguard is an African American. Dr. L was interested in a game of B Ball and here was the exchange between her and her bodyguard: "Listen white men can't jump. I want you on my team."
She tells the caller that in her opinion "that was not a racist comment". As an added bonus, she says that the African Americans voted for Obama only because he is black.
And to make matters worse, she goes on to say how if one turns on HBO to see some black comedy, the N word is used freely while folks with low melanin using that same word are called racists?
She was apparently making a philosophical point!?!??

Deep breath.
Questions running through my head.
Is she for real? Did she really say that out loud? As a Jewess who should understand persecution, does she NOT get it? Are we really going to miss her? Is she all THAT and a loaf of wonder bread?

Here is my opinion:
Has entertainment in this world gone so off the deep end that we need people like Dr. Laura with her narrow minded, bigoted thoughts to be diffused all over the air ways? She reminds me of a clean cut version of Archy Bunker. Do we really want our society to be ingesting and pondering on Dr. Laura's limited thoughts?