
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, March 4, 2017

My 28 days on a RAW Plant-Based Journey

How did an omnivore, actually more like the carnivore, decide to dive into the RAW plant-based journey?

I had not been feeling well since last spring.
My energy was droopy.
My digestive system felt like misery.
I wasn't sleeping well.
I took naps whenever I could to make up for the lack of sleep.
I exercised but even then, I wasn't feeling the benefits of the
fitness path.
I had mood swings and tears.
I felt overwhelmed most days.
I was having a difficult time keeping track of things.
I found myself having to jot down information when once upon a time, mental notes did the trick.

I knew this was not the best of ME.

Doctor visits, blood tests, and an osteopath later, nothing seemed to get me out of this funk.
Fast forward this past  January, three vehicle accidents in 14 days raised my stress level to an all time high.

Now I am experiencing hypoglycaemia.

This was not the path I wanted for myself, especially at this point in my life.

About a year ago, my kid sister told me about an author who diagnosed medical conditions in today's world. You could say it's an other worldly book with a plethora of information to create shifts with various medical conditions, by using food as medicine. His advice is far from researched and tested formally by science.

Once I noticed I was diagnosed with hypoglycaemia, I decided to read up Anthony William's first book entitled Secrets Behind Mystery Illnesses and How to Finally Heal.

He explained the reasons why hypoglycaemia occurred, how it begins in the liver, how a diet primarily made up of animal protein and minimal amounts of fruits will keep the individual struggling with the illness and make it worse along the way. I had spent the better part of my years eating a high protein diet and fearing bananas.

To reverse the symptoms meant to adopt a Raw plant-based journey for 28 days where animal and plant protein, dairy, grains, and fat were to be removed. Instead, meals were meant to be an abundance of fruits and vegetables until satiation. This was not meant to be deprivation. This was meant to be tasty and abundant while nourishing the internal organs with much needed minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidant and so much more.
This was also meant to give the internal organs a break while breaking down food, to allow the internal healing process to begin. After all, the body is CAPABLE of healing itself.

And so began my Raw plant-based journey on February 5, 2017.
Interestingly enough, a few days later, an ultrasound confirmed what Anthony Williams had said about the link between hypoglycaemia and the liver.
My liver was showing signs.

The journey was a no-brainer.
I figured I will give it my full attention and observe the changes, if any, on my state and my overall health. If all else fails, I can head to my doctor and begin medicating the issues.

I was expecting a rough ride.
Give up my morning lattes, give wine, give up MEAT and my sweet treats.

Instead, I had to learn to start my day with a 16 ounce fresh celery juice.
I would say that was the hardest part of the process.
The juice, on an empty stomach, helps heal the gut, according to Anthony William.
Well it took a few days for my body to enjoy this beverage.
I experienced tingling on my face and was concerned I was having an allergic reaction to it.
By the third day, it had to be violently expelled as soon as I drank it.
I did not give up. I re-read the benefits in his book.
Day four, I gave it one last chance and the gut was able to handle it and ENJOY IT!!!

Second challenge was staying warm.
In hindsight, perhaps choosing to begin a raw journey in the winter was not the smartest approach.
The body needs warming foods like root veggies, oats etc.
This is where herbal teas, ginger root and hot peppers came in handy to warm the bones up.

As far as my mental state was, I was BLISSED out, despite the cold and celery issues.

Through an Instagram account, I photographed my journey and my new rituals.
Celery juice, followed by a delicious smoothie bowl, a salad, more fruits, another salad or cut up veggies, lots of lime, dates or mangoes at night time before bed as it helped calm the nerves he says.

Things tasted good.
Preparation was fun.
I looked forward to grocery shopping and discovering new items I knew little about.

Today is the end of my 28 day Raw Reset My Organs Cleanse.
I feel more VIBRANT!

I sleep more soundly.
My mood has improved.
I have disengaged from certain foods that no longer control me.
I say that, as I do have two sons who still eat like most kids do. Being around the food has zero impact on me. I make it, I serve it and I create my New Meals.
No hunger. Ever. A sense of fullness.

I have stopped the see-saw ways of salt and sweet.
Cravings are no longer dominant.
Although, throughout the process, I was craving Indian Dahl.
I don't even know how to cook it and I think I have eaten it only three times in my life.
But something about the spices and texture was what I was craving.

It's nice not to have to NEED a cup of coffee to place one's eyes in front of the socket.
It's nice not to have a bloated stomach as a result of food combinations that no longer seem to work.
Most of all, it's nice to have a glow in one's skin and peace of mind.

Some followers have asked about weight, and yes one side effect is weight loss.
But not as dramatic as one would think.

As I ponder on what is next, I see myself continuing to somewhat a Raw lifestyle.
My body is handling the breaking down of raw food more gracefully than cooked.
That being said, I still like protein and grains. I was raised on it after all. I am also fully aware that all these protein HYPE is just that....HYPE.

Anthony, has no hard rules about how to start back other than avoiding some foods forever( namely processed foods)

He does, however, asks that each person look within to check in and see what the body feels like eating. I have to say, I check-in regularly now and I see what he means about this NEW awareness. It's a knowing and the mindless eating is no longer there.

I don't expect that my friends and family will all embrace Anthony William's or AKA the Medical Medium's advice to heart. I invite you to recognize that our bodies are GENIUS vessels that are still a mystery to the Western Medical World and that perhaps, the current path we are all on with food choices, diets, trends, procedures and medications may not be anymore sound than the other worldly advice. After all, so much is unknown about the wonder of our bodies and our organs. What if foods can create the health shifts to beat all these ailments?

Food for thought: Let Thy Food be your Medicine.....