
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 14, 2010

Games people play...

....If one were to describe pain...the song below would be it!

I thought that by the time my forties would kick in, life would start making sense, folks around me would stop playing mind games, people's words would have weight, truth and meaning....most importantly, the drama would be kept to a minimum, so as to enjoy the short gift of life we have on this planet. Instead, I find myself encountering folks who seem to think life is all about twisted moments, stolen adventures, this constant game of cat and mouse and searching for that next high....

I have had the pleasures of wild chases in life and the comfort of warmth, safety and dependability...perhaps I am too mature for my own good...but I would choose a drama free zone more often than this perpetual state of dis-ease.