
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Can we talk circumcision here?

Marble, height 434 cm
Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Michelangelo was the creator behind this masterpiece. For close to 400 years, it was seen at the entrance of Palazzo Vecchio, also known as the city hall. It's at that point in time, the locals noticed David's shoulders eroding, and so they moved the statue to the Accademia Gallery.

To the Fiorentini, The David was a symbol of liberty, somewhat like the Statue of Liberty for the Americans.

Now let's get down to business.
Reiner, the guide at the museum, explained the story behind David.
This was taken from the Biblical intertpretation of David and Goliath.
So, was David not a JEW? Was he not from the Old Testament?
If so, at birth, was he not circumcised?

I have always been biblically challenged about my roots. That being said, having raised two Jewish boys and been married to a Jewish man, I could argue I have some semblance of expertise in that realm. Here's my conundrum...Was David not a Jewish man? If so, his penis sure wasn't pointing in that direction.

Perhaps Michelangelo found sculpting veins and musculature to be an easier task than shaving off a foreskin.
And to think, tourists were complaining about one hand being larger than the next...please!!!

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